Thursday, October 27, 2011

hunger games :|

233-244 was one of the most shocking pages of this book for me because so much drama happened like rue dieng by the boy from district 1 and the new rule wich i think is great but at the same time not relly because then people are gunna go for them. they gave so much things to  be amazed aboute that probably part three of the book might be relly crazy because finaly peeta and kattnis are gunna be fighting toghether and wont have to worrie aboute not killing eachother, now all they have to worrie aboute is surviving and winning so they can go back the district 12 and be back with their families.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

hunger games

if i was kattnis id be scared because i don't really like heights but she was brave climbing that tree and smart about dropping the bee hive on they camping was crazy how she ran to get the bows and did some really weird things that i myself wouldn't do but in a situation like that then probably yeah although the think that got ts me puzzled is that how peetas reaction to seeing katniss, i didn't even expect that i thought he would kill her or something else then just asking her to run.

Friday, October 14, 2011

my opinion about the hunger games

its amazing how this booked changed my thinking from boring to fun because at the start i thought it was gonna be one of those type of books that just talk about ghosts and just don't make any sense top me but once we kept going i started going deeper and deeper into the book till we got to  chapter five i felt different after that like it was actually gonna be really exiting how it was about fighting and rights of people i just felt like it was one of those action movies so the book gave a pretty boring start but once it went deeper into it,it  got really exiting with a little thrill too.